Hire Vue.js Developers

Integrate transformative capabilities into your tech stack by hiring a Vue.js developer from Lucent Innovation. Our developers stand out for their deep mastery of the Vue.js framework, ranging from its early versions at 0.8 to the latest 3.2.45. Specializing in creating robust, real-time applications, we emphasize optimal performance and scalability, ensuring your project is future-proof.
With a strong focus on best practices in Vue.js application development, we deliver solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also remarkably stable and secure. Partnering with us equips you with a dedicated resource that understands the intricacies of the Vue.js ecosystem, from state management to component architecture. Experience the advantage of cutting-edge, performance-centric applications by deciding to hire Vue.js developer from us.


Projects Deployed


Satisfied Clients


Skilled Developers


Trusted by

My Easy Monogram
Wide Fit Shoes
My Easy Monogram
Wide Fit Shoes

Why hire from us?

A Partnership for Excellence: Discover Why We Are the Right Fit for Your Vue.js Needs

Choose to hire Vue.js developer from Lucent Innovation and gain access to a curated team of exceptional, industry-certified professionals. Being a well-known Vue.js development company, we have carefully chosen each developer to guarantee they have experience with performance optimization, debugging applications, and cutting-edge web technologies. Our Vue.js engineers are experts at leveraging the capabilities of the Vue.js framework to write clear, effective, and readily tested code; they are more than just programmers.

Following agile development methodologies provides vital insights at every stage of your project's lifecycle, guaranteeing that your application is functional and ready for the market. We provide flexible recruiting models tailored to your unique development objectives to accommodate changing project requirements and financial constraints. When you hire Vue.js developer from Lucent Innovation, you're not just filling a role; you're adding a strategic partner committed to delivering excellence.

Extensive Developer Network: With access to over 100 professional developers, and talent that matches your specific needs.

Experience You Can Trust: Our developers are not just skilled; they have a proven track record with 10+ years of experience in the field.

Cream of the Crop:Our talent pool represents the best, selected from the top 1% out of over a million developers globally.

Rapid Hiring Process:Why wait? With Lucent Innovation, you can end and hire the right developer within an impressive 48-hour window.

Streamlined and Stress-Free:Our hassle-free hiring process is designed to save you time and effort, making recruitment a smooth experience.

A History of Success:With over 1000 completed projects, our developers have the hands-on experience to tackle any challenge.

Global Client Satisfaction:Our reach extends worldwide, with over 500 satisfied clients who can attest to our exceptional service and quality.

Personalized Consultation:Begin your journey with a free 60-minute consultation tailored to understand and address your unique requirements. · Round-the-Clock Support: We're here for you 24/7, offering continual support to ensure your project runs seamlessly.

Risk-Free Exploration:Start with a comprehensive 7-day risk-free trial, a testament to our confidence in finding the perfect t for your project.

Hire Now

Case Studies

Case Studies

Discover how trèstique, an eco-friendly cosmetics brand, partnered with Lucent Innovation to skyrocket their sales with custom product bundles. Learn how this strategy improved the customer experience, reduced decision exhaustion, and increased revenue for the company. Find out how product bundles can streamline your e-commerce business and offer value to your customers.

portfolio image

Case Studies

Case Studies

We have a great team of Shopify Plus Developers who give their best to all of our clients. We optimized both the mobile & desktop versions for Go Noise. By effectively removing unused code & defects, our experts were able to speed up the website & enhance users' overall experience. In order to give visitors a seamless browsing experience & simple access to all pertinent product information, we also established a separate product page.

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Case Study

Case Study

Julia B, known for their custom-made artisanry, faced challenges in managing multiple vendors. Onboarding new vendors was a time-consuming task, leading to significant resource expenditure. To resolve this issue, Lucent Innovation developed a custom Vendor Admin application, allowing Julia B to create and manage vendor accounts for monogram and print vendors.

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Your Path to Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Onboarding Our Vue.js Talent

At Lucent Innovation, our method of hiring a top-tier Vue.js developer has evolved into an efficient four-step process, designed to match your project needs perfectly.
First, the journey begins with a personalized consultation. Here, you'll sit with our technology specialists to thoroughly discuss and outline your project requirements. This step is crucial as it helps us understand the specific skillset and expertise you need, ensuring we find the perfect fit for your project.
Dive into the profiles we've handpicked for you, meet the developers in interviews, and feel out who really clicks with your project's tech demands and, just as importantly, the vibe of your team. You get to chat, ask the tough questions, and see who's the perfect match. This step is all about giving you the power to decide, ensuring whoever walks into your team fits in like a puzzle piece, both in skills and spirit.

Finally, once you've made your choice, we swiftly swing into action to ensure a rapid onboarding process. Your chosen Vue.js developer will be integrated into your team within 24 to 48 hours. This final step is all about agility and efficiency, ensuring minimal downtime and a smooth transition, so you can keep your project on track without missing a beat.


Assessing Your Needs and Selecting a Model

First, we evaluate your project's unique requirements. After discussing your needs, budget, timelines, and tech stacks, we offer flexible cooperation models, including full-time development teams or specific developers, to match your exact specifications and outsourcing needs.


Interviewing and Selecting the Perfect Fit

We carefully handpick a pool of seasoned developers aligning with your project's requirements. We assess hard and soft skills and English proficiency through a meticulous interviewing process to ensure the candidates perfectly complement your in-house team.


Team Assignment and Integration

Upon confirmation, developers are swiftly integrated into your internal workflows. We focus on effective collaboration, alignment with your corporate culture, and project goals. Our HR team ensures a seamless onboarding process in a fully-equipped workplace or remote assistance.


Finalizing Approvals and Starting Work

We finalize the cooperation model, work scope, timelines, and number of developers by signing an NDA and SLA. This ensures business confidentiality, and we promptly commence work, assigning reliable PMs to ensure timely and quality achievements of your milestones.

Hire Dedicated Vue.js Developers and Experts for your business projects.

Let's Discuss

Hire Us for These Vue js Development Services

At Lucent Innovation, we offer a wide range of specialized Vue.js services tailored to meet the diverse needs of your company. When you hire Vue.js developers from us, you can expect nothing short of technical excellence. Here's what we offer:

Custom Application Development
Hire Vue.js developers from us to create bespoke applications perfectly aligned with your business objectives. Our team conducts an in-depth analysis of your requirements to develop a solution that provides real business value.
Single-Page Application (SPA) Development
Experience the speed and efficiency of SPAs. We specialize in developing fast, responsive, and user-friendly single-page applications. Hire Vue.js developers from Lucent Innovation and transform the user experience you offer.
Vue.js for Mobile Apps
Mobile is the future, and with Vue Native, we make the future accessible today. Our team uses Vue Native CLI for creating cross-platform mobile apps that deliver native-like performance.
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Vue and Nuxt.js
Performance matters and that's where SSR comes in. Our team uses Nuxt.js to deliver server-side rendered applications that are not just fast but also SEO-friendly.
Real-Time Application Development
Stay connected with your user base with real-time applications. When you hire Vue.js developers from us, you gain access to experts in creating real-time chat apps, notifications, and more.
Portal Development Solutions
Looking for a comprehensive web portal? We deliver robust portal solutions that cater to B2B and B2C requirements, providing a unified platform for all your services.
Other Services

Transform your business with custom Software Solutions.

Maintenance and Upgrading Services

Tech evolves, and so should your application. Hire Vue.js developers for ongoing maintenance and upgrades, ensuring your app stays current and competitive.

Vue.js Migration Services

Outgrown your existing tech stack? We can help migrate your applications to Vue.js, unlocking better performance, security, and scalability.

Native Mobile Apps Development

For businesses looking to dominate the mobile space, our native mobile app development services are the perfect fit. Harness the power of Vue Native for top-tier mobile solutions.

API Development

Hire Vue.js developers adept at crafting secure, scalable, fast APIs. Integrate seamlessly with third-party services and optimize your business processes.

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Tech Stack




Laravel Functionality
Laravel Jetstream
Model Factory Classes
Migration Squashing
Tailwind CSS For Views
Task Scheduling
Query Builder and Eloquent ORM Error Handling
File Storage
Mail service
Micro Service Architecture




Laravel Breeze Auth Scaffolding




October CMS






UX Designing

UX Designing

Blade Templating
Front-end Technologies i.e. React js
Vue js
Angular Js




Firebase Analytics
Amazon Web Services(AWS)


Version Control

Version Control





PHP Strome
Visual Studio
Code Notepad++


Designer Tool

Designer Tool

Zeplin Xd
Invision App




SQL Server

Build these applications with the help of our Vue.js Development services.

In addition to technical know-how, hiring Vue.js developers from Lucent Innovation gives you access to a wealth of market experience that can help you expand your business over time. Vue.js is a fantastic choice for numerous businesses because of its efficiency, scalability, and adaptability. The following sectors could benefit greatly from our Vue.js development services:

Financial Services 

The financial sector demands high-performance, secure, and reliable web applications. Our Vue.js developers can build robust dashboards, real-time trading platforms, and customer portals that adhere to strict security regulations. With Vue.js, financial institutions can provide users an interactive yet secure experience.


In an industry where data sensitivity is paramount, Vue.js's secure and high-performing features come to the fore. We can develop patient portals, appointment booking systems, and telehealth platforms that are not only secure but also user-friendly, enhancing patient experience.

E-commerce and Retail 

Vue.js brings dynamic and interactive user interfaces to online shopping platforms. Hire Vue.js developers from us to build intuitive, fast-loading product pages, seamless checkout processes, and real-time inventory updates to keep your retail business ahead of the curve.

Media and Entertainment 

The media industry thrives on engagement, and Vue.js is perfect for crafting rich, real-time experiences. Whether it's a video streaming platform, a news portal with live updates, or an interactive social network, Vue.js can keep your audience hooked.

Education and E-Learning 

Vue.js can significantly enhance interactive learning platforms. Our developers can build systems that support features like real-time quizzes, interactive study materials, and online classrooms, providing an engaging educational experience for teachers and students.

Logistics and Supply Chain 

Managing a complex logistics network requires a platform that can handle real-time tracking, inventory management, and data analytics. With Vue.js, we can develop intricate systems that offer a smooth, real-time user experience while managing multifaceted back-end operations.

Travel and Hospitality 

The travel industry requires platforms that handle real-time booking, multiple vendors, and vast inventories. Vue.js is well-equipped to manage these complexities, providing fast, responsive, and reliable platforms that can handle fluctuating demands effortlessly.

Manufacturing and Automation 

Manufacturing processes are becoming increasingly digitized. Vue.js can support platforms that manage real-time inventory, quality control, and machine operations, presenting a clear picture of the manufacturing floor at all times.

Utilities and Energy Management 

In an industry where real-time data monitoring is critical, Vue.js offers the scalability and performance needed. Our developers can build applications for real-time utility monitoring, reporting, and management.

Complete Your Team with more Competencies

Creating Dynamic Web Interfaces

Our developers have great React abilities, empowering them to design dynamic, highly interactive user interfaces for dynamic web application experiences.

Crafting Scalable Enterprise Applications

Our developers are skilled in Java and excel at creating dependable and scalable enterprise-level applications using the many libraries and frameworks offered by the Java ecosystem.

Strong Server-Side Application Development

Our talented Node.js specialists excel at building reliable server-side applications. Taking advantage of the extensive selection of libraries and modules in the Node.js ecosystem.

Creating Cross-Platform Mobile Experiences

Our specialists are skilled at creating seamless cross-platform mobile experiences because to their knowledge of Flutter. We can create creative and aesthetically pleasing apps for both the Android and iOS platforms

Tailor-made E-commerce Solutions

Customizing e-commerce solutions is a strong suit for our gifted Liquid developers. We customize online stores to match the particular requirements of businesses by utilizing the adaptability of the Liquid templating language.


What Our Clients Say

Real Voices, Real Results—Explore what our valued clients have to say about their experience with Lucent Innovation.

Gibson Tang

From Bugs to Brilliance: The Journey to a Dynamic, Sustainable, and Engaging Platform!

Good developers with experienced knowledge and who are always willing to suggest ways to improve your workflow.

Gibson Tang
Gibson Tang
Treva Stone

Driving Growth: From Quiz to Checkout How we increased Traffic for a Personalized Jewlery Store

No task was impossible and they delivered. It was so cool to dream big and have the results become a reality.

Treva Stone
Treva Stone
Jack Bensason

Innovative Solutions: Our Custom Product Bundles Revolutionize E-commerce Efficiency!

They're genuinely doing the work to make sure we're happy with how things look and function.

Jack Bensason
Jack Bensason
James Owen

Dynamic Evolution: How Ability and Innovation Reshaped Online Luxury with Sustainability at Its Core!

I am impressed with their ability to get things done quickly.

James Owen
James Owen
Head of Tech

Transformative Website Development: Powering Success with React JS.

Lucent Innovation Inc’s team is highly engaged, and they assure us they’ll deliver.

Head of Tech
Head of Tech


Vue.js Development
Hiring Developers
Project Development
Maintenance and Support

What is Vue.js?


What advantages come with hiring Vue.js developers?


What skills and experience should I look for in a Vue.js developer?
