By Ashish Kasamaauthor-img
January 3, 2025|9 Minute read|
/ / What is JAM Stack and Why is it more Popular than Traditional Frameworks?
At a Glance:
This blog explains JAMstack, a modern web development architecture that improves performance, scalability, and security by using pre-rendered static pages, APIs, and JavaScript. It focuses on the use of CDNs to serve static content, dynamic features powered by APIs, and the decoupling of backend tasks for improved speed and flexibility.   

What exactly is Jam stack?

Jam stack is a web architecture that aims to improve the responsiveness, security, and scalability of the web. It builds on many of the tools and workflows that developers enjoy, allowing developers to generate sites and applications with more confidence and robustness than ever before.

Pre-rendering and decoupling are essential principles that enable sites and applications to be provided with more certainty and reliability than ever before.

JAM stack is a frontend web development methodology (the construction of content and interfaces that users interact with). It enables developers to swiftly create static web pages and serve them to users.

As much HTML as feasible is pre-built and saved in a content delivery network in a JAM stack online application (CDN). APIs are used by dynamic components of the application instead of a monolithic backend software to generate dynamic content on the server-side.

Learn more about Jam stack.


During the construction process, Jam stack prebuilds the whole front end into highly efficient static pages and assets. Pre-rendering sites allow them to be delivered straight from a CDN, lowering the cost, complexity, and risk of using dynamic servers as a crucial infrastructure.

Many web developers are already familiar with the technologies needed to become productive Jam stack developers, thanks to popular tools like Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Eleventy, NextJS, and others.

Adding JavaScript to the mix

Jam stack sites can be supplied rapidly and securely using markup and other user interface materials served directly from a CDN. Jam stack sites can communicate with backend services via JavaScript and APIs, allowing for better and tailored experiences.

What is the meaning of the word 'JAM stack'?

JavaScript, APIs, and Markup (JAM) are acronyms for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup.

Web apps employ the JavaScript programming language.

An API (application programming interface) is a method of requesting data from software or applications created by someone else.

Markup is a type of code (HTML and CSS) that gives browsers formatting instructions.

The term "stack" refers to how all of these items are combined in a way that allows developers to create apps and websites.

Only these three parts are used to build a JAM stack website or application. HTML and CSS markup code are used to create the static webpage that the user views. JavaScript is utilized for any dynamic functionality that is required, as well as for calling APIs. The backend of a programme is provided by APIs.

Service-based recharging

Jam stack sites have benefited greatly from the booming API economy. The ability to harness domain specialists who sell their products and services via APIs has allowed teams to construct considerably more complicated apps than they could if they took on the risk and burden of doing so themselves. Authentication and identity, payments, content management, data services, search, and a variety of other services can now be outsourced.

Such services may be used by Jam stack sites both at construction time and during run time directly from the browser via JavaScript. Furthermore, the clear separation of these services provides for increased portability and flexibility, as well as a risk reduction.

Let's say Jim creates a web application that keeps track of American Rugby scores. Jim constructs a backend programme that runs on a server he manages and checks the scores of the most recent matches regularly. When a user accesses the web application, Jim's server generates HTML pages displaying the scores, which are subsequently sent to the user. However, Jim's web application is slow: users must wait for the backend application to execute, the HTML to be generated, and the HTML to reach their device before they can view those pages.

Let's say Jim decides to develop his web application using the JAM stack framework. He produces a succession of lightweight HTML pages that he stores in a CDN instead of creating a whole backend programme. Because the CDN is much closer to the user than Jim’s server, when a user starts the application, the CDN immediately sends the necessary HTML pages to the user. To fill out the live rugby match scores on the website, the programme also makes an API call. Jim’s web application now loads very rapidly for the user, and there is much less need for Jim to develop code to handle the backend, server-side task of updating the scores presently.

JAM stack architecture

Jam stack is the web's new standard architecture. Pre-rendered content is supplied to a CDN and made dynamic with APIs and server-less functionalities using Git processes and contemporary build tools. The stack includes JavaScript frameworks, Static Site Generators, Headless CMSs, and CDNs.

What is the definition of a static website?

A static website is made up of one or more static web pages, which are HTML files that all load in the same way in a browser, regardless of who is loading the file. Static web pages load quickly because they are made entirely of HTML and do not require any additional code to operate in the browser. (If you're using Chrome, right-click on a webpage and select "View Page Source" to see what HTML code looks like.)

Dynamic web pages, on the other hand, change every time they load. Dynamic web pages are also dependent on the user opening the page, the location of the page load, the time of day, and a variety of other shifting data inputs to give a more engaging, personalized user experience. When a dynamic webpage loads, code must run on either the web server hosting the webpage or the user's browser. The user experience may be slowed as a result of this dependency on running code.

Dynamic web pages aren't the only method to provide your users with a more modern experience. By periodically creating new static content or accessing APIs to fill out updated content, a primarily static JAM stack website can nonetheless provide a dynamic, personalized experience for users.


What are the backend functions handled by JAM stack applications?

The backend of an application is the code that operates behind the scenes on a server. When a person uses a website or programme, they are usually unaware of what is going on behind the scenes. While the appearance of a JAM stack application is dictated by JavaScript and markup, it still needs backend functionality to function. JAM stack handles this by utilizing JavaScript to call APIs.

JAM stack developers don't have to build their backend applications when they use APIs. To make their websites and apps operate, they can use pre-existing APIs.

A new API can be created by developers who want to add their functionality to an application. APIs can be utilized in a variety of situations, thus when developers create their backend APIs, they should only have to implement that functionality once to reuse it in future applications.

How does JAM stack relate to microservices?

JAM stack developers can adopt a microservices approach to the backend by using APIs. A microservices architecture breaks down an application's backend into smaller portions that run on command, similar to how a JAM stack application uses numerous APIs as needed and otherwise does not need backend support.

It's also feasible to build a JAM stack application with a server less backend, either partially or completely. Small, reusable pieces of code that run on demand are known as server less functions. However, because the developer is effectively constructing the backend application themselves rather than accessing APIs, a server less architecture sometimes necessitates a more hands-on approach to the backend by the developer (although they do not have to worry about provisioning servers).


What are the advantages of JAM stack?

Performance: A JAM stack application's content is almost entirely made up of static HTML files supplied from a CDN. This is the quickest method of delivering web material to people.

Scalability: When a programme is "scalable," it means it can handle substantial increases in usage. JAM stack apps are frequently exceptionally scalable due to the fast frontend and lightweight backend.

Better developer experience: JAM stack allows developers to concentrate on creating a great frontend user experience without having to worry about backend or performance issues.

Lucent Innovation tries to keep itself updated with the latest and advanced technology trends incorporating them into our work culture to achieve better business results.

Lucent Innovation is a full-service software design and development company and an expert e-commerce solution provider. We create custom applications for our clients leading to an improvement in the efficiency, increased growth and profitability of the business. We also build e-commerce websites that are ready to sell, scale and grow. We at Lucent Innovation have the talent that creates robust front end applications with the latest trends.

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Ashish Kasama

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