By Nidhi Inamdarauthor-img
December 31, 2024|12 Minute read|
/ / React JS interview questions: Top ones on the list
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Interview questions for React js Developer

The fact that React JS is now gaining popularity cannot be disputed. Consequently, there is currently a growing need for React JS developers. 

You should be prepared with React JS interview questions and answers if you plan to attend a job interview.

This blog provides you with a thorough list of all the typical React JS interview questions, which will help you understand better the key React JS ideas.

  1. What is React js?
  2. What are the benefits of using React js?
  3. How would you create a user interface in React js?
  4. What is the difference between react and other front-end frameworks?
  5. What are the best practices for managing state in Reactjs applications?
  6. How would you handle errors in your application?

React is a library created by Facebook for making user interfaces. It has quickly become one of the most popular libraries in use today, and it even plays a role in some of the company's larger projects like Instagram, WhatsApp, and React Native.

What makes React so special?

There are several reasons why people love React. First of all, it is extremely fast -react code can often be running on the server side within milliseconds of loading DOM elements. This makes react applications ultra responsive and easy to debug. Secondly, react provides an idiomatic API that allows you to rapidly build high-quality UI components without having to learn complex JavaScript syntax or patterns. Finally, react is bipartisan: it works equally well with modern front-end frameworks such as AngularJS and VueJS as well as legacy back-end platforms like Ruby on Rails and PHP.<br>

If all this sounds good to you then there's no reason not give React a try!

React is a popular front-end development library that has many advantages over other libraries. Some of the benefits include: 

-It is composable - You can combine different React components to create larger, more complex projects. Your codebase will be simpler to understand and manage as a result. -It is declarative - Instead of writing code that accomplishes specific tasks, you write descriptions of how your elements should look and function. This makes it easy to know exactly what needs to be done when creating React components, and prevents errors from creeping into your project.

-Write once, learn anywhere - Because React is so simple, learning it doesn't require years of experience in programming or design. Anyone with an understanding of HTML/CSS can pick up React quickly and start building sophisticated web applications!

-It is fast, efficient, and easy to learn - Thanks to its simple syntax and consistent approach across all aspects of the library (from styling through routing), learning React won't take long at all!

React js interviews questions are important for a fresher as well as an experienced developer, because they help identify any misunderstandings or gaps in knowledge.

 interviewing techniques also use React js interview questions to assess how the applicant thinks on their feet and responds to challenges. By doing this, you can determine whether the candidate would be a good fit for your team or not.

What is useState() in React?

UseState() is a function in React that lets you store the current state of a component. This can be useful for maintaining track of modal dialogs, scroll bars, and other UI elements. 

What are keys in React?

Keys are objects used to persist data between occasions when the same fragment or page is loaded. They're just like normal JavaScript properties but they live in your app's global namespace (rather than within any individual react element). 

What is JSX?

JSX is an HTML extension that allows you to embedJavaScript inside your HTML tags. This makes it easy to include code from other files into your React components without having to use special directive syntax or import statements. 

What is the virtual DOM? How does react render the UI using the virtual DOM?

The virtual DOM is a representation of the actual DOM tree on the server side. It's used to react to render user interfaces interactively and determine which parts of the tree need to be updated during rendering.. The virtual DOM updates are handled using reactive programming techniques so that as changes happen on the client side, those changes are immediately reflected on the server side.

Virtual DOM


Virtual plus real DOM


What are controlled and uncontrolled components?

Controlled components are those that have been specifically designed, manufactured, and tested to perform a specific function. Uncontrolled components can be either internal or external to the system they're being used in.

An example of an uncontrolled component would be a light switch. A controlled component might be a lamp that is specifically designed to reduce energy consumption. Uncontrolled components can also include sensors or actuators that aren't properly configured or maintained, which can lead to inaccurate readings or unintentional actions.

In most cases, it's important to always use controlled components when possible because they're more likely to produce accurate results and less potential for problems down the road. By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure optimal performance from all of your electronic devices!

What are props in React?

Props are simplest way of managing state in React. They allow you to bind customized values to any DOM element, making it easy to maintain a consistent look and feel across your application. For example, you could use props to bind the title of a blog post to the heading tag on its page. You can also use them for styling elements like buttons or labels.

When you create a prop, you need to provide an identifier as well as the data that will be bound to it. The value for this data can come from inside your code or from another source such as JSON or XML files located outside of your project directory structure. Finally, when necessary, you can set up callbacks so that UI updates triggered by changes made in props will be handled automatically by React.

What are React Hooks?

React Hooks are a feature of React that let you add custom behavior to your components without writing any code.

- They work by intercepting state changes made to your component and running specific actions.

- This way, you can add complex logic to your components without having to write any code.

Why were Hooks introduced in React?

React Hooks are a way of modularizing your React codebase into reusable components. This makes it easier to read, maintain, and scale your codebase as you grow. They work by allowing you to define dependencies between props and state in an easily-comprehensible manner, which greatly reduces the amount of boilerplate that is necessary when using React.

Additionally, hooks allow for declarative state management which eliminates the need for unnecessary calculations or brute force updates while maintaining performance.

Describe the strict mode in ReactJS.

The main purpose of the React Developer Tool StrictMode is to draw attention to potential flaws in a web - based application. For its child components, it turns on additional gradation checks and warnings. Its ability to display visible feedback (warning/error messages) when the React rules and suggested practices are not adhered to is one of the factors contributing to its popularity. The React StrictMode Component does not generate any visible UI, just like the React Fragment.

List a few methods for enhancing the performance of React apps.

The efficiency of a React app may be optimized in a variety of ways; let us just look at some of them:

By using the React hook useMemo(), CPU-intensive functions can be cached.

React apps occasionally run CPU-expensive functions frequently as a result of component re-renders, which can slow down rendering.

Such routines can be cached using the useMemo() hook. The CPU-Expensive method is only called when necessary thanks to useMemo().

utilising React. PureComponent is a base element class that determines whether a component needs to be changed by looking at its state and properties.

To eliminate the needless re-rendering of a component, we can utilize React.PureComponent in place of the straightforward React. Component.

Bringing the state as near to where you require it as possible is the procedure of maintaining state colocation.

Sometimes in React apps, the parent component has a lot of extraneous states, which makes the code difficult to read and maintain. Not to mention that having many states within a single component causes the component to be rendered again needlessly.

Moving states that are less essential to the parent element to a different component is preferable.

Lazy loading is a method for speeding up the loading of React applications. Slow loading minimizes the likelihood of poor web app performance.

What does a React event mean?

An event is an action that is triggered by a user action or a system generated event, such as a mouse click, web page loading, key press, window resizing, etc. The event handling approach in React is quite similar to how DOM elements handle events. Synthetic Event, a cross-browser encapsulation of the native event of the browser, is the name of the React programming mechanism.

There are some syntactic variations when handling events using React, including:

React events have camelCase names rather than lowercase.

In JSX, a function rather than a string is supplied as the event handler.

When should we utilize a class component instead of a function component?

Use the class component if a component requires state management or lifecycle management; otherwise, use the functional component. With the introduction of Hooks in React 16.8, you may now leverage state, lifecycle actions, and other capabilities that were previously only accessible in the class component directly in your come equipped.

//General way  

render() {      


        <MyInput onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this) } />  



//With Arrow Function  

render() {    


        <MyInput onChange={ (e) => this.handleOnChange(e) } />  



Overall, React is a practical and modern technology for creating web applications in 2022. This package allows for quick development, high performance, and simple maintenance, enabling the creation of great web masterpieces. ReactJS can be used to build complex interface design, Responsive Web Applications (Progressive web apps), and generally anything that needs frequent page updates (even big-scale projects).

A leading developer of e-commerce solutions, Lucent Innovation is a full-service software creation and development firm. We provide custom software for our customers, which boosts productivity, business expansion, and profitability. Additionally, we create e-commerce platforms that are prepared to expand, scale, and sell. Lucent Innovation as Reactjs development company has the skills to develop strong front-end applications that follow the most recent trends.

Also, read: Best SAP Interview Questions for 2023

Nidhi Inamdar

One-stop solution for next-gen tech.