By Umesh Solankiauthor-img
January 3, 2025|7 Minute read|
/ / Living Corporate Life: The Importance of Mental and Physical Health

What is Mental health?  

Mental health is a condition of mental wellness that enables people to manage life's stressors, develop their potential, study and work effectively, and give back to their communities. It is a crucial element of health and well-being that supports both our individual and group capacity to decide, form connections, and influence the world we live in. Access to mental health services is a basic human right. Also, it is essential for socioeconomic, communal, and personal development.  

The absence of mental diseases is only one aspect of mental wellness. It has variable degrees of difficulty and suffering, is experienced differently by everyone, and may have very different social and therapeutic implications. It exists on a complex continuum.  

15% of working-age people have a mental condition, yet more than 50% of the world's population is currently employed. Without the right help, mental disorders and other mental illnesses can affect a person's capacity to work effectively, their capacity to handle absences, and their ease in keeping their current job or finding one. 12 billion working days are lost each year due to depression and anxiety alone. Additionally, even though finding work is essential for recovery, those with severe mental illnesses frequently aren't given the opportunity. Families, carers, coworkers, communities, and society at large can all be impacted by mental health issues. The reduction in productivity caused by depression and anxiety costs the global economy $1 trillion annually.   

Guidelines for occupational mental health have been developed by the WHO. A policy brief on mental health at work that was created in partnership with the International Labor Organization is included with this. To promote mental health, prevent mental health disorders, and enable people who are living with mental health conditions to participate and thrive in the workforce, these products work together to improve the implementation of evidence-based guidelines for mental health at work. 

What is mental health

Determinants of mental health  

Many individual, social, and structural factors may interact throughout our lives to support or undermine our mental health and cause a change in where we fall on the mental health continuum.  

Both psychological and biological traits including emotional intelligence, substance usage, and heredity may make people more prone to mental health problems. Hazards can appear at any stage of life, but those that happen during developmentally vulnerable times, notably early childhood, are the most harmful. For instance, it is well established that physical punishment and harsh parenting are bad for kids' health, and bullying is a significant contributor to mental health problems. At various scales, society contains both threats and safeguards for mental health. External risks increase the risk for people, families, and communities. Global risks, which include economic downturns, disease outbreaks, humanitarian crises, forced displacement, and the escalating climate issue, raise the risk for entire populations.  

Only a small number of risk and protective variables can be predicted with accuracy. Despite being exposed to a risk factor, the majority of people do not go on to acquire a mental health illness, while many people who have no known risk factor do so, nonetheless. However, the interrelated factors that affect mental health can either support or detract from it.  

How to Improve Mental Health   

Involvement in enjoyable hobbies, such as leisure or sports, is associated with lower blood pressure, less stress, and higher levels of both psychological and physical function. There are small changes you can make to your life that can help improve your mental health.  

  1. Why Exercise Benefits Your Mental Health? 

Benefits of exercise

Any physical activity can accomplish this, including jogging, cycling, participating in a sport, swimming, and deep-water diving. Scientists have a variety of theories as to why this might be the case. One frequently advanced theory is that exercise increases the amount of serotonin, a chemical that is inhibited by depression, in certain parts of the brain. This chemical is responsible for a positive mood and a general sense of well-being. Exercise serves as a diversion from the problems and depressing thoughts that can lower your mood. 

If I were to describe what I personally do to alleviate stress, I would say that I wake up every morning early and go for a run or other form of exercise. This helps to clear my thoughts and puts me in a good mood. I practice yoga in the morning, which strengthens and uplifts me while allowing me to connect with my spirit. 

physical activity - Suryanamsakaram shadow

  1. Do what you love  

Even if some people may be unable or reluctant to engage in physical activity, this does not imply that your mental health is completely dependent upon medication or professional counselling. Finding a stimulating or creative activity can have similar benefits to regular exercise for the brain and for your mental well-being. Hobbies that require creativity, such as creative writing, drawing, and DIY projects, might boost your success and happiness by lengthening and repeating your happy moments. 

The science underlying why hobbies help to improve mental health is also not fully understood; it may be a serotonin or endorphin-raising activity, like physical activity, or it may be that engagement with something other than your negative thoughts, or your obligations can be both a welcome break and a positive influence. Whatever the reason, engaging in a hobby—be it writing stories, learning card tricks, or anything else—has a favourable impact on your mental health. 

If I talk about my hobbies which help me to feel positive and fresh, here are some of my hobbies. 

  • Nature Photography 

If I'm near a natural setting, such as mountains, rivers, or a place where the sun is setting or rising, I will go there and take photos of the moments that make me feel good. Every time I encounter a wonderful moment, I record it on my phone to make a memory. 

 Nature Photography - Umesh Solanki

  • Sketching and Painting  

It's not always needed to go outside to refresh your mind; you may do it indoors with a chore or a hobby that benefits you. For example, when I'm stressed out or bored, I prefer to draw and painting. You'll feel more cheerful and relieved of tension if you engage in some enjoyable pastimes. 

Paintings - Umesh SolankiSketching - umesh solanki


  1. Explore nature places and take a break from work 

Work breaks serve as a preventative measure as well as an intervention, much like regular exercise and sleep do, according to Fritz. "Taking regular breaks serves as an intervention to help us deal with the daily grind and makes us more resilient when stressors arise." 

I occasionally take a break from everything and just let myself explore by going on solo trips and engaging in adventurous activities. 

Umesh solanki - Lucent Innovation


Umesh Solanki

Backend Developer

One-stop solution for next-gen tech.