Case Study

Securing Data Migration and Sharing Platform for BlockFenders


Data Privacy & Protection

Core Technologies

Amazon QuantumGolangHederaJavaNode.jsReact.js


BlockFenders wanted Lucent Innovation to create a no-code, user-friendly platform enabling companies to migrate and share their data across various platforms safely. The main objective was to provide a safe, effective, and affordable solution for data exchange and migration needs.

  • Data security: There are inherent security risks when moving sensitive data from one platform to another. Data integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity must all be ensured during the transfer procedure.

  • Data Sharing: A robust architecture and effective data processing methods are needed to enable bulk data sharing between various platforms in a secure and streamlined manner.

  • Microservices Architecture: It is an excellent method to manage various application components by creating microservices that communicate with each other seamlessly.

  • Blockchain Integration: Combining tokenization, private networks, and encryption to increase security and reduce transaction costs can be achieved with blockchain integration. 


The following are the main sections and features of the BlockFenders App, that Lucent Innovation has created.

1. User and Environment Operations in the Admin Portal

  • It provides controls over user management and authentication.

  • It would help if you had an entry of AWS credentials, choice of instance type, and choice of count.

  • Validation of AWS policies.

  • AWS instances are created with Terraform.

  • We are creating a blockchain account.

 2. Data processing operations via a user portal  

  • The operations for moving and processing data required

  • Data Processor manages source-to-sink migration.

  • Transformers (Sanitization, Anonymization, Encryption) are used to manipulate data.

  • OpenSearch, Kafka, MongoDB, and SQL are available as sources.

  • There are Data manipulation possibilities for transformers.

  • Sink: Block Fenders Table (AWS S3).

3. Authorization and Authentication Using Auth Service and Keycloak

  • Controls for authentication and permission.

  • It would help to have the Integration of Keycloak for secure user access.

4. The Data Integrity Validation Module

  • Checks for data integrity while moving.

  • Use innovations like Hedera and blockchain.

  • Reports on successful and unsuccessful verification are in-depth.

5. Data Sharing Module: Exchange Information with Peers

  • Node.js, TypeScript, and Express.

  • Hyperledger Fabric private blockchain for secure data sharing.

  • Service set up on the receiver and provider computers.

  • Data exchange between on-premises systems or cloud service providers.

6. Analytical Tools and Lineage  

  • Data processor runs are maintained, and analytics are provided.

  • Add up the results of each data processing stage.

  • Data processor setup and history can be seen using the lineage function.

  • Report and statistics on verification.

The modular design of BlockFenders ensures rapid data migration, processing, verification, and sharing, as well as seamless integration. These modules work together to create a comprehensive solution that addresses the many demands of businesses looking for secure and effective data management.

Blockfender app - Custom Solution by Lucent Innovation

Technologies and Tools

Front-End Development

ReactJS, TypeScript

Back-End Development

Spring Boot (Java), Node.js (with Express.js)

Data Processing & Management

Apache Kafka, MongoDB, Amazon S3, Amazon QLDB, OpenSearch

Security, Authorization & Authentication

Keycloak, Terraform, AWS IAM

Blockchain Integration

Hedera Hashgraph, Hyperledger Fabric

Data Transformation & Integrity

Apache NiFi, Hedera-Based Integrity Validation



Enhanced Security: Blockchain-based security ensured tamper-proof data transfers.


50% Reduction in Data Migration Costs: Optimized data infrastructure, reducing reliance on expensive platforms.


Improved Operational Efficiency: Businesses could share & manage data seamlessly, reducing compliance risks.


Scalable Microservices Architecture: Allowed for easy expansion & integration with third-party systems.

Words of Appreciation

"When we partnered with Lucent Innovation, we knew we were in good hands. Their expertise in blockchain and microservices transformed our data management platform, delivering secure and seamless operations. We truly appreciate their commitment to excellence and highly recommend their services to anyone looking for top-notch solutions."

Ethan Collins


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