By Ashish Kasamaauthor-img
January 3, 2025|3 Minute read|
/ / Platform73 - Artist Management
At a Glance:
This case study highlights the creation of a Shopify-based Artist Marketplace. For artists and store owners to sell designs while managing commissions efficiently. Key features are artist registration, design approvals, dynamic product creation, and mobile-optimized vendor panels. The result is a scalable, user-friendly platform. 


The world of eCommerce has taken a step ahead of this year and every eCommerce store owner aims to grow his business and take it to the next level. Most of them are planning to convert their online store into Shopify eCommerce marketplace.

As all of us know that marketplace will create a win-win situation for designers as well as buyers and ultimately the profit of the owner will rise like never before.

The client is one of the best online store owners and just like other online store merchants; he also wanted to convert his store into the marketplace.

His primary requirement was to build an Artist Management like multi-vendor eCommerce marketplace that is a platform for artists to sell their designed products to customers.

The specific requirement

  • A store owner, designers, and buyers are involved.
  • Both designers and store owner can sell the design to buyers
  • Artist can upload their design to panel, and admin will approve it.
  • Once approved, a system should create a collection for an artist for first time artist and respective create product into a system.
  • Admin can add/edit and manage designs.
  • Admin collects revenues from direct sales and also share commissions with designers for designs.

Project Challenges

After considering the client requirements and the features of this Shopify eCommerce marketplace, the developers built this platform successfully. However, they faced following challenges:

  • Vendor registration flow in 2 step process.
  • Product creation with dynamic product attribute similar to Amazon.
  • Integrated bootstrap and vendor panel mobile optimized.
  • Royalties calculation
  • Dashboard

Designers and designs approval by a store owner:

Whenever a user registers as Designers, a request is generated and sent to admin. User can’t upload designs until the request is approved by admin. Once admin approves the request, the user will become designers and designers can uploading designs to artist panel.

The same thing happens whenever designers add a design in the panel. New design request from designers is accepted by admin before any final action.

Commission Management for both admin and designers

  • This Artist Marketplace can manage commissions for designers.
  • This Artist Marketplace makes it very easier for admin to view and manage commissions and revenues without any hectic effort.
  • We have provided an option to import and export csv to manage commissions from another marketplace.

Technologies Used

  • Development Tools & Environments: PHP, AJAX, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 etc.
  • Database Server: MYSQL
  • Server: Apache/NGINX Web Server


The entire planning for B2B Shopify eCommerce artist marketplace project was done together by the designers and developers along with the expert guidance of project managers and testers. They kept the features and challenges in mind while planning for it.

Ashish Kasama

Co-founder & Your Technology Partner

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