By Ashish Kasamaauthor-img
January 1, 2025|3 Minute read|
/ / Maximize Revenue with Shopify Subscription Models
At a Glance:

Lucent Innovation created custom Shopify subscription models for (compostable coffee pods) and (CBD oils). These custom solutions cater to various customer needs, from flexible coffee subscriptions to simplified CBD oil plans. 

1. - Compostable Coffee Pods


Tayst offers compostable coffee pods and they came to us asking for a new Shopify website that included a fairly complex subscription model. Using Recharge, we created a highly modified and customized subscription service.
We created 5 types of subscription plans as follows:

Plan 1. Under this plan, customers choose the number of coffee pods they want every month and they can fill up their bag with any coffee flavor or brew.

Plan 2. Gift a Subscription Box. Here customers can gift one of Tayst’s in-house designer boxes or they can build one from scratch.

Building one from scratch allows for a one-time, 3, or 6, month subscription, along with the number of coffee pods and the type of brew.

Plan 3. Starter kit. As you can guess, this is for the beginners who don’t know which subscription box to buy. We made it easy for customers to change their subscription preferences at any point.

Plan 4. Introductory offer - Under this plan, customers can buy the first box at a discounted price if they pay for a whole year’s subscription.

 Plan 5. Free trial - Under this plan, customers free pods but have to pay for shipping.


Tayst knows that people love their coffee…and changing coffee brands can be a big ask. So we collaborated and came up with several plans to ease people in and made it easy to switch things up while they kept their subscriptions alive and kickin.
cription plans based on the client’s needs.

2. - CBD Oils

Another example of a subscription model is They provide CND oils as an alternative natural treatment to traditional healthcare. Customers don’t need to buy as many oil bottles as coffee pods. So we created a simplified subscription model for each product. Under this, a customer can buy a CBD oil of their choice and then subscribe for every 2, 4, or 6 weeks and save 10%.

So, whatever subscription model you need, we can matter how complex. Please contact us if you are interested in a subscription ecommerce model and our experts can help you figure out the best subscription model for your store.


Lucent Innovation is a full-service Shopify web design and development company. We build ecommerce websites that are ready to sell, scale, and grow.

Contact us for your next project!


Ashish Kasama

Co-founder & Your Technology Partner

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